I'll Always Leave The Light On

From the serpent to the southern sea,
and from crises to serenity,
From up here where I call home,
To the sea that has become known.
Nothing stirs, nothing sleeps, nothing laughs, nothing weeps.

Strong men come, strong men go,
Rockets fly, Rivers flow,
I’ll always leave the light on though no one’s home.

In the horsetails, in the pines,
On the sea bed, in the mines,
Could be Falkirk or the Fiddlehead Ferns,
San Fransisco or the path of the Terns.

Someone’s shouting, someone’s dying, someone’s preaching, someone’s flying.
Strong men come, strong men go,
Rockets fly, rivers flow,
Haters need what lovers know,
Haste the day that they’ll let it go,
I’ll always leave the light on though no one’s home.

Kris DreverKris Drever